
Homeopathic, Peptide and Nutritional Clinical Management During Conventional Cancer Therapy
Prerecorded Presentation
Learn the fundamentals of the homeopathic peptide and nutritional clinical management of patients undergoing conventional cancer therapy. You will be taught effective tools to help prevent and reverse the adverse side effects of conventional, allopathic chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer patients, and to help improve their clinical outcome and long-term survival.

Insomnia: A Significant Public Health Problem of Modern Lifestyle
Prerecorded Presentation
Chronic Insomnia is a significant public health problem of modern lifestyle, reflected by the high prevalence of this pathology worldwide. Homeopathy gives us the possibility to successfully treat people struggling with this pathology, thanks to individualization and holistic approach. I will illustrate this through a case example of a 45-year-old man, treated for years in psychiatry, also including psychotherapy, helped finally by the individualized homeopathic remedy. The key for finding the right remedy was a deeper understanding of the person in the disease, the analysis of the case according to Synergy approach, finding the exact rubrics and Materia Medica references. The long-term follow-up of the patient testifies to the effectiveness of the treatment.

Homeopathic Treatment of Degenerative Disc Diseases
Prerecorded Presentation
The homeopathic treatment in cervical and lumbar spondylitis, lumbar disc herniated cases, disc bulging, spinal stenosis cases. Homeopathic treatment is beneficial in pain management without any surgical intervention. Homeopathy is safe and effective results patient free from pain. Similimum homoeopathic remedy based on individualization seem to have great beneficial impact on the disorders.

Integrating Homeopathy and Mental Health Therapy Approach to Anxiety, Depression, Trauma & Grief
Prerecorded Presentation
This presentation is based on sharing of clinical knowledge and experience of integrating homeopathic medicine and various psychotherapy techniques such as counseling skills, cognitive behavioral therapy, trauma informed strategies and mindfulness practices for anxiety, depression, grief, and trauma. Bharati will discuss the scope of homeopathy, role of homeopathic remedies in deeper healing, and use of mental health lens in each case taking and walking extra mile with patient to support them in their healing process. Bharati will discuss about the importance of rubrics related to mental health symptoms in repertory, importance of causations in homeopathy, homeopathic remedies and Hahnemann’s perspective on mental health and mental illness based on the organon of Medicine. This presentation will encourage homeopaths to learn, equip and add tools to their clinical practice to heal their clients.

From the Classics to the XXI Century: Application of Clinical Homeopathy
Prerecorded Presentation
This session covers how the knowledge from the Classical homeopaths can be applied to treating Chronic Disease currently in the 21st Century, including steps for systematic care for treating chronic disease as defined as something that will not end or regulate by itself. With 6 out of 10 adults in the United States experiencing chronic disease, this topic is vital for people seeking healthcare choices.

Real Health on Our Plates: How A Homeopathic Approach is Helping Farmers
Prerecorded Presentation
Prerecorded Presentation
In livestock farming, natural and traditional medicines and methodologies have been long overlooked as salutogenic solutions to the challenges of infectious disease and parasite control, while we are now witnessing global, catastrophic effects imposed on environmental and human health by overuse of antibiotics and synthetic anthelmintics. This session explores the results of a survey of over 220 livestock farmers, which showed homeopathy and other alternative modalities achieving significant reductions in antibiotic and anthelmintic use, resulting greater herd health and less disease as reported by farmers. Furthermore, when farmers apply homeopathic remedies prophylactically according to protocols based on prevention and early intervention, we start to see consistent, sustainable improvements on measurable data such as national milk records, live birth rates, cull rates, stock replacement rates, and disease rates.

A Brief History of The Organon and How To Use It
Prerecorded Presentation
The founder of homeopathy, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, published five editions of his primary treatise on homeopathic medicine containing guidelines for treatment with homeopathy. The last and final edition was not published until nearly eight years after his death. Manfred Mueller summarizes the content of the older editions and the changes that Hahnemann made in his treatise. He also shares his ideas derived from over forty years of experience on how to use of the Organon in a homeopathic health care practice.

What is new in the art of healing? Actually, quite a lot!
Prerecorded Presentation
Hear from Dr. André Saine as he discusses the Materia Medica Pura Project (MMPP). MMPP is a significant initiative in the field of homeopathy. Led by Dr. Saine, this project aims to update and enhance our understanding of homeopathic remedies.

Autism: A Journey Through Solitude
Prerecorded Presentation
In the session Dr. Samir Chaukkar will share his experiences on autism spectrum disorder, the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, Clinical and homeopathic management, miasmatic cleavage, differential materia medica and deciphering rubrics that are commonly seen in autism.

Homeopathy: When to Help at Home and When to Call in the Professionals
Prerecorded Presentation
If you are new to homeopathy, it can be so exciting to learn about all of the things this wonderful medicine can do! In this session, we explore the difference between first aid, acute and constitutional homeopathic care. What is constitutional homeopathic care and what does it mean? That's also something you will learn in this session. I'll give you a hint though - that is the time to call in the professional. This session is for people who are new to homeopathy and want to learn a bit more about potency, dosing and types of care.

Homeopathy for Autoimmune Disease in the 21st Century
Prerecorded Presentation
From mid-1800s onward, life expectancy at birth doubled every 10 generations due to improved healthcare, sanitation, immunizations, access to clean water, and better nutrition, from 35-40y of age to
approximately 79 y as of date. The physical body has evolved to sustain optimal health till about 40-50 years old when biological hormonal changes create metabolic stress, turnover along with genetic senescence, reactive oxygen species damage and effects of general ageing leads to an overall deterioration often making one susceptible to autoimmune disorders. This is also determined and impacted by our emotional and psychosocial wellbeing during our earlier phase in life. Add to this milieu, the conundrum of miasms, genetic (familial) inheritance and environmental stressors, and you have an active fomenting arena of autoimmune disorder plaguing human beings at all stages of their life due to the precariously balanced immune system failing to maintain and sustain an optimal balance in chronic, painful, and debilitating autoimmune conditions. Properly selected homeopathic remedies by itself or conjointly with conventional approaches has much promise in alleviating chronic sufferings in individuals with autoimmune disorders. Dr Arup will elaborate with some real cases from his practice, the potential of homeopathic approaches in causing long term remission, improving quality of life and alleviating pain in several autoimmune disorders including cancer where the immune system fails to act against our own rogue mutated cells.

An Introduction to Supporting Children’s Dental Health
Prerecorded Presentation
This session focuses on the importance of dental health and how modern dental techniques can impact upon the overall health of children. Many practitioners have little or no knowledge of how important the health of the teeth is to our overall health and how many diseases originate in unhealthy teeth or regular dental procedures.

Homeopathy to the Rescue for Children’s Sleep Issues
Prerecorded Presentation
According to an article in the "American Family Physician", one half of all children develop sleep disorders at one time or another. If left alone, these sleep problems can have a wide variety of negative consequences: daytime sleepiness, irritability, behavioral problems, learning difficulties, and in teenagers, motor vehicle crashes and poor academic performance. In this session you will learn how to address the most common childhood sleep problems with homeopathic medicines that can lessen the time to fall asleep and create deeper, more relaxing sleep. You will go away with the knowledge of how homeopathy can benefit children with nightmares or sleep terrors. You will also learn about homeopathy for sleep apnea and restless legs. Overall, you will leave this session with the confidence that you have the tools to support your children so that they can get a good night's rest and wake feeling refreshed in the morning.

Finding the Unknown Remedy with Source-based Prescribing
In-person Presentation, Live Streamed
In-person Presentation, Live Streamed
Source-based prescribing is an accepted and advanced methodology in Classical Homeopathy to find the simillimum, which takes into account the classical materia medica approach combined with characteristics of the remedy source material. This area includes utilizing biology or phytochemistry, morphology, genetics, ecology, common uses, folklore and behavioral traits. Expanding the understanding of our remedy source characteristics, it is possible to enlarge the range of useful remedies we prescribe successfully.

Wilderness Medicine and Homeopathy
In-person Presentation, Live Streamed
Knowledge of how to use homeopathic medicines in the wilderness is a valuable tool. Emergencies when acted on quickly can be lifesaving and or decrease long term impacts of an accident or illness and enable a quicker recovery. The Wilderness medicine and homeopathy lecture is designed to lay out the most common emergency situations one would face in a wilderness setting. We will discuss what homeopathic medicines to use including posology and frequency of repetition of dosing along with proper evacuation procedures should the accident or illness require the inclusion of emergency medicine.
This session fulfills continuing education requirements for AANP and ACHENA

Entering the Field of Teenagers: The Rebellious, Emerging, and Wayward
In-person Presentation, Live Streamed
** The beginning of this talk was not captured in the recording. The missing part will be recorded and added during this week. Please check back! **
In this presentation, we will explore the multitude of challenges that teenagers face, including issues related to mental health, the impact of social media, academic pressures, and substance use. We will examine how teenagers grapple with difficulties like cyberbullying, peer influence, and dependency on technology while navigating questions surrounding gender identity and self-exploration. Additionally, concerns about the environment, financial literacy, and uncertainties stemming from global events further contribute to the complexity of their lives. Join us to learn how homeopathic treatment can play a vital role in nurturing teenagers' resilience by adopting a comprehensive family systems approach, promoting a truly holistic balance, alleviating stress, and enhancing their overall well-being, encompassing the mind, emotions, body, and spirituality.
This session fulfills continuing education requirements for ACHENA only.

Managing Complex Cases & Multiple Modalities
In-person Presentation, Live Streamed
As complex chronic illness is on the rise worldwide, homeopathy presents a unique opportunity for restoration of health, even where other modalities have failed. But it is rare that someone comes to homeopathy without having tried other therapies, or potentially using them simultaneously. The use of non-homeopathic therapeutics often further complicates already complex chronic disease. In this lecture we will explore what Hahnemann says about the nature of complex chronic disease, the use of multiple therapies and what insights they can give us to the attunement of the vital force. We will also discuss the practicalities of safely and effectively working with people using multiple therapies, how to manage the homeopathic case with their presence, and how to safely transition off them when indicated.
This session fulfills continuing education requirements for AANP and ACHENA

The Animal Path Through Homeopathy: An Interesting Journey
In-person Presentation, Live Streamed
In this session Dr. Pitcairn will discuss his journey of learning to treat animals with homeopathy. He had to learn it on his own so there were many turns in the road. This resulted eventually in opening a clinic in Eugene, Oregon that offered only homeopathy and nutrition for animals of all types. He will share his dedicated interest in understanding Hahnemann's teachings as a more accurate view in the practice of medicine. Attendees will learn a new perspective of why disease occurs in animals.
This session is not included in continuing education

Cardiovascular Failure: Homeopathy Treatment in Advanced Cases
In-person Presentation, Live Streamed
Congestive heart failure (CHF) can have diverse causes. This presentation will review several cases that responded to homeopathic treatment using several different homeopathic medicines. Materia medica of the selected medicines will be reviewed along with the cases. CHF can successfully respond to homeopathic treatment.
This session fulfills continuing education requirements for AANP and ACHENA

Deconstructing the Debate
In-person Presentation, Live Streamed
The homeopathy sector has been under attack from anti-homeopathy campaigners for well over a decade. To many, it can feel as if our profession has been stuck in a completely immovable ‘It’s placebo”/ ”It’s not placebo” stand-off since the late 2000s. However, on closer examination, shifts in the debate are apparent. In this session we will review the latest ‘skeptic’ arguments emerging in recent times and the steps taken to counter them. This requires objective consideration of how well ‘our’ evidence really compares to the evidence base for conventional medicine; as we address this question, you will become equipped with the most recent scientific information, enabling you to educate yourself and others about the realities of the evidence behind homeopathic medicine in 2023.
Please note: The recording of this session will be available for a limited time (30 days after the live event on vFairs and not part of the extended access).
This session is not included in continuing education

Polarity Analysis: How to Avoid Confusion in Remedy Determination – Interplay Between Physical and Mind Symptoms
Virtual Presentation, Live Streamed
This lecture follows the footsteps of Hahnemann and Boenninghausen and shows how some of their insights can be turned into a powerful method of remedy determination. Heiner will provide case studies for a short introduction into Polarity-Analysis and demonstrate how modalities are among the most characteristic symptoms of the patients (ORG § 133). You can limit your repertorization almost solely to them. But be aware that not every symptom is reliable. The software helps to distinguish reliable from unreliable ones. In addition you get acquainted with the concept of key symptoms. It was developed during the Covid-19 pandemic and is an efficient instrument in the treatment of acute disease. Polarity Analysis in chronic and complex disease as well as perception disorders is demonstrated with several cases and prospective outcome-studies.
This session is not included in continuing education

Homeopathic Management of Advanced Cancer with New Remedies
In-person Presentation, Live Streamed
This session is not included in continuing education

Strength in Numbers – Lessons, Findings, and Opportunities from the Homeopathy Help Network (HHN)
In-person Presentation, Live Streamed
How is it that homeopathy—despite 230 years of clinical successes, many of which defy the prognosis and expectations as set forth by the medical system—has yet to break through the prevailing narrative that marginalizes it as placebo at best, or as flat-out fraud? Two arguments put forward by skeptics and critics are that our research samples are too small and cases are anecdotal, therefore declaring our research statistically irrelevant, and placing it low on the evidence hierarchy.
Restoring homeopathy to its rightful place in medicine requires a unified approach that transcends these critiques and elevates our work by presenting irrefutable evidence via large data sets that are collected and analyzed in accordance with vetted measurement tools and meeting the highest research standards.
HOHM Foundation has been able to do just that.
HOHM’s vertically integrated organization has a robust infrastructure that tracks cases from intake through to peer-reviewed publication. From its launch of HHN in March 2020 to the time of this presentation, HOHM’s team will have seen more than 5,000 acute cases in addition to the over 500 chronic cases seen each year via in its internally moderated clinician network.
This presentation tracks the evolution of the Homeopathy Help Network and analyzes over three years of data as collected by the team underscoring homeopathy’s safety, effectiveness, and rates of success. Not only will participants leave this talk feeling inspired to participate in homeopathy research—they will have received everything needed to join HOHM’s team and make a difference.
This session fulfills continuing education requirements for AANP and ACHENA

Anxiety & Inflammation: Homeopathic Cases, Pharmaceutical Causes & Obstacles to Cure
In-person Presentation, Live Streamed
In this presentation Lise Battaglia will share cases that illustrate challenges and successes.
Anxiety is a condition described by any one of 241 symptoms. It correlates with the presence of inflammation and microbiome impairment. In allopathic medicine, antipsychotic drugs and antihistamines are commonly used to address anxiety and other diagnosed mental illnesses. They are used by 30% of the US population: are suppressive, compromise the immune, endocrine, neurological, and lymphatic systems, the microbiome, and intestines. These cases are challenging in allopathic medicine, often resulting in post withdrawal syndromes that can last years. Homeopathy offers unique opportunity for healing.
This session fulfills continuing education requirements for AANP and ACHENA

Challenges, Tensions and Prospects from the Practitioner Generated Research Network (PGRN)
In-person Presentation, Live Streamed
In this presentation Alastair Gray describes the challenges and tensions experienced by the Practitioner Generated Research Network (PGRN) in its first three years of operation. In doing so he discusses what defines a PGRN and its overarching aims. He will guide learners through its mandate - a one stop shop for practice-based, patient-focused, practitioner-generated research that potentizes the profession of homeopathy and expands it into the larger scientific and integrative medical communities. Next Alastair will describe the activities and prospects of the PGRN. Alastair will then introduce findings from the first PGRN research initiative. In a pilot research piece called "Who is Coming to Homeopathy for Treatment in 2024" Alastair introduces the characteristics of users of homeopathy in the United States. The setting for the study is a student teaching tele-health facility. Using a sample of intake forms from the Academy of Homeopathy Education chronic clinical training facility, Alastair discusses the qualities, demographics, perspectives, perceptions, experiences of users of homeopathy. In terms of educational taxonomy, Alastair describes and explores a sample of this data set making this presentation suitable for advanced and professional development educational outcomes.
This session fulfills continuing education requirements for AANP and ACHENA

Deepening Your Understanding of Miasms to Crack the Case
In-person Presentation, Live Streamed
Hahnemann wrote in his book, The Chronic Diseases, that his discovery of miasms and their impact on long-term health, was even more important than his discovery of homeopathy. Yet many homeopaths don’t utilize miasmatic theory in their practice. Understanding miasms is an invaluable tool in cracking the case, and determining the simillimum, especially in difficult cases.
This session fulfills continuing education requirements for ACHENA only.

From PMS to Pregnancy to Perimenopause: Homeopathy can help!
In-person Presentation, Live Streamed
Dr. Samet is a naturopathic doctor with 25 years of experience using homeopathy to treat women with various hormonal health challenges. This presentation will focus on three common hormonal issues - PMS, pregnancy and perimenopause with three in-depth case examples to illustrate her methods. She will teach case taking, case analysis, differential remedy selection and follow ups. This presentation is suitable for experienced homeopaths who are familiar with repertorization and use of material medica in their practice.
This session fulfills continuing education requirements for AANP and ACHENA

Foundational Basics of Research: Beyond the Abstract
In-person Presentation, Live Streamed
In this presentation, participants will be instructed on how to read, interpret, and understand a homeopathic research article. After the presentation, participants will be able to identify the type of research conducted, assess the risk of bias in the study (including selection bias, reporting bias, performance bias, detection bias, attrition bias, overall risk of bias), identify and measure model validity and external validity, and verify credibility of a research study.
This session fulfills continuing education requirements for AANP and ACHENA

Homeopathic Considerations While Treating Those in a Coma, followed by Your Role in Promoting Homeopathy: Tips for Writing and Public Speaking for Practice Building and Advocacy
In-person Presentation, Live Streamed
In-person Presentation, Live Streamed
Homeopathic Considerations While Treating Those in a Coma:
Many of us feel powerless when a patient or family member is in a coma. Dr. Herscu will guide us through the factors that influence our homeopathic approach to case taking, analysis, and case management when treating those in a comatose state in order to complement life-saving in-hospital care.
This session is not included in continuing education
Your Role in Promoting Homeopathy: Tips for Writing and Public Speaking for Practice Building and Advocacy:
Many of us know the immense power and beauty of homeopathy and want to do what we can to share our knowledge and expertise. Dr. Amy Rothenberg, with decades of writing and public speaking experience, will share top recommendations about writing and speaking about homeopathy. Let’s all help spread the word!
This session is not included in continuing education

Unveiling the Power of Homeopathy in Near End-of-Life Care: A Nursing Perspective on Caring for Family Members
In-person Presentation, Live Streamed
In-person Presentation, Live Streamed
Homeopathy and its use with palliative and hospice care patients and their family members who are facing significant health challenges near end-of-life is the primary focus of this presentation. Emphasis is specifically on home hospice care patients who have benefitted from the positive impact of homeopathic remedies. Effective communication and education strategies and techniques are discussed to learn how to best use these remedies to manage various stages of dying, as well as associated health issues and mental challenges. Also included is valuable information on how to assist end-of-life patients and their families/caregivers in managing pain, nausea and vomiting, dyspnea, insomnia, grief, fear, anxiety. In addition, the findings from the 2023 Homeopathic Nurses Association (HNA) survey will be shared. The results center on the interest, role, experience, and benefits of hospice/palliative care advanced practice and registered nurses who are using homeopathy and complementary therapies.
This session fulfills continuing education requirements for AANP and ACHENA

Working with Non-Dynamic Disease in Homeopathic Practice
In-person Presentation, Live Streamed
Hahnemann instructs us to know what is curable by homeopathic medicines. Equally important is being able to identify what is not curable by medicines because it is due to non-dynamic causes. Modern clients/patients often present with a complex web of dynamic and non-dynamic disease and successful practice relies on being able to separate the symptoms of these 2 types of disease and apply the appropriate interventions that address each. This presentation will breakdown non-dynamic disease and present a traditional nature cure framework for supporting healing of non-dynamic illness while the chronic remedy addresses dynamic disease.
This session fulfills continuing education requirements for AANP and ACHENA

Making an Impact: Coordinated Research Advocacy Strategies to Influence Policy
Virtual Presentation, Live Streamed
Research is at the core of any developing, learning organization including most health professions. It is fundamental to the pathway of influence at the policy level as well as in health care. Despite this importance, the capacity for research in organizations, or professions, is often challenged by support, engagement, awareness, conduct and impact. This talk will explore frameworks for research using examples from the naturopathic profession with the aim of inspiring opportunity and growth.
This session is not included in continuing education

Homeopathic Treatment as We Age and Die: Determining the Direction of Cure
In-person Presentation, Live Streamed
Inherent in popular homeopathic philosophy is a notion of searching for a holy grail, the similimum. There is often a hope that this remedy will be transformative and transcendent in its effects. It is a high bar for a practitioner. Acutely, our goals are simpler, heal the wound, recover from the illness, have more energy, all kinds of health improvements. But what does it mean to heal along with aging, or to heal into death? Sometimes the American natural healthcare world can look at illness and death as failure. Dr. Shevins will discuss these tricky ideas and how to use homeopathy clearly and powerfully with the elderly and in end of life situations.
This session fulfills continuing education requirements for AANP and ACHENA

Small Remedies in Homeopathic Practice
In-person Presentation, Live Streamed
During this presentation we will explore a collection of lesser-known remedies which, though not well represented in our literature, are still extremely valuable during clinical practice. Prescriptions requiring the use of lesser-known remedies are oftentimes not fully considered. The presentation aims to give both the student and practitioner the skills necessary to recognize the need for these remedies as well as how to effectively study, compare, and contrast lesser-known remedies with our better-known polycrests.
This session fulfills continuing education requirements for AANP and ACHENA

Joining the Dots: A Case of Sjogren’s Syndrome
In-person Presentation, Live Streamed
The unique symptoms that characterize the individual’s disease state; the irrational fears, the dreams and food aversions are the DOTS scattered in the movie of life that together etch out the sensory image of the Source of the Similimum. Along with Hahnemann and Kent we swam the length and width of the sea of the patient’s case, and picked the treasures thrown up on the surface. Then Freud and Jung tugged us into the depths of the sea. A parallel world and movie, the Unconscious emerged, and we saw that the floating treasures we had picked on the surface were key landmarks of this movie. Neuroscience then gave us the 5- D glasses of the 5 senses to see this deep-sea movie clearly. The Leap to the Similimum- neuroscientific method uses the tools of cutting-edge neuroscience research to collect the treasures of objective data, under the sea of Consciousness, and see the Source of the Similimum emerge. Together at JAHC 2024, hosted by NCH, lets dive into the Automatic brain, unravel the neural circuits that are the diseased loops controlling the patient’s function, emotion, thought and action and reset the circuits with the Similimum.
This session is not included in continuing education

Homeopathic Treatment of Bipolar Disorder
In-person Presentation, Live Streamed
In this presentation, Dr. Tara Peyman will discuss several cases of bipolar disorder from her clinical practice. She will present her analysis of the cases, including determination of characteristic symptoms, homeopathic remedy differentiation and selection, posology considerations, and case management over time as symptoms naturally change. She will also include discussion of how psychiatric medications interplay with homeopathic medicines, and ways to skillfully improve patient outcomes.
This session fulfills continuing education requirements for AANP and ACHENA

Sehgal Method: Prescribing Exclusively on the Mental/Emotional Symptoms
In-person Presentation, Live Streamed
Though the Drs. Sehgal use only mental symptoms and say they use common rather than strange, rare and peculiar symptoms, in reality they often interpret common mental symptoms in a most uncommon way. For example, "Light, desire for" they use when the patient wants to get to the bottom of his complaint. "Doctor," he might say, "I've been to many doctors and none of them seem to know what's going on with me. I really want to find out the source of my problem." So, the Sehgals are often interpreting mental symptoms metaphorically. In this presentation, Dr. Robinson will give numerous examples of mental symptoms used metaphorically. There will be case studies from the Sehgals as well as case studies by Dr. Robinson using their method.
This session is not included in continuing education

Gut Instincts: Treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Homeopathy
In-person Presentation, Live Streamed
Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a common disorder affecting several million people in the United States and globally. Often mistaken or dismissed as a digestive upset, it can present as a chronic, debilitating, and disruptive issue for patients. In this presentation, Roopali Gupta CCH will present three uniquely different cases of IBS where the best indicated remedy was identified using both classical and contemporary approaches. The intent is to show how individualizing the case and using both kinds of methods can lead to a higher quality prescription and more successful outcomes.
This session is not included in continuing education

The Bönninghausen Repertory (TBR2) and Its Application in Difficult Cases
In-person Presentation, Live Streamed
Through the resolution of some cases of very poor clinical prognosis, Dr. Juan Carlos Gamba will show the versatility and efficacy of the use of The Bönninghausen Repertory (TBR2) to achieve convincing results in daily clinical practice.
This session is not included in continuing education

Nonvenomous Snakes Remedies
In-person Presentation, Live Streamed
Remedies from venomous snakes have been in use since late 1800s. Recent developments in
homeopathy enable us to identify words and gestures used by people requiring remedies from
these snakes. However, some individuals appear to require snake remedies without presenting any hint of the ferocious energy and immense physical power of these snakes. Will remedies from venomous snakes still benefit them? Or do they need remedies made from nonvenomous snakes? These questions led Dr. Vatsala Sperling to study the nonvenomous snakes belonging to Colubridae family. A comparison of their natural behavior and survival strategies with these aspects of the venomous snakes leads the author to understand their unique expertise –mimicry. She explores the place of snakes in the periodic table of animals, and shows how mimicking bigger, and venomous snakes help the Colubrids attain self-protection. Repertorization in six example cases from her practice points to venomous snakes. However, focusing on the words, energy and gestures used by clients in the clinical setting, leads her to differentiate between venomous and nonvenomous snakes, and choose remedies from nonvenomous snakes. Five different species of nonvenomous Colubrid snakes, Cyclagras, Elaphe, Lampropeltis, Natrix and Thamnophis sp. are described in detail with regards to their general, maternal, predatory, and anti-predatory behavior. The outcome after taking the indicated nonvenomous snake remedies shows the effectiveness of the remedy choice. Identifying and including nonvenomous snake remedies in your own practice could enable you to help a larger number of your clients who express themes of snake remedies.
This session is not included in continuing education

Everyday Isopathy
Virtual Presentation, Live Streamed
In this presentation Miranda will share her thoughts and reflections from 40 years of homeopathic practice. She will review the history and practice of isopathy and its various forms and uses in homeopathy. ”Is it homeopathy?” and also “Is it compatible with classical homeopathic practice?” are questions that will be addressed. She will present a smorgasbord of homeopathic cases from her many years in practice as a classical homeopathy covering a range of isopathic remedies including medications, supplements and vaccines. Miranda hopes to stimulate practitioners to think carefully about isopathic remedies and decide for themselves how to incorporate them into their practices in a way that is both rigorous and makes sense. And is repeatable. Her perspective is that of a jobbing homeopath with a commitment to healing rather than cure. You can expect broad brushstrokes with a light touch for this is a complex topic.
This session fulfills continuing education requirements for ACHENA only.

Valerianates: The ‘Xanax of the 1880s’ for a Messy World
Virtual Presentation, Live Streamed
Valerian was the benzodiazepine of the ages, used with people prone to anxiety, overthinking and worrying. Instead of sedating, it calmed the nervous system, while being nonaddictive and side-effect free. In ancient Greece and Rome, during the US Civil War, and throughout European tea rooms and pharmacies, valerian found its place. Eventually, valeriana and many of its mixtures made their way into the homeopathic materia medica. The valerianate remedies were taught, used, included in materia medica text differentials, discussed in journal articles, and presented at case conferences. They were popular, well used, important remedies during wars and upheavals, disruptions, and recoveries, happening on personal, national, and international levels. Then time moved on. Homeopathy continued with its own ups and downs... and ups. Homeopathic pharmacy offerings and availability followed trends in remedy use by practitioners and the public. Eventually, the Valerianates were largely sidelined, no longer considered mainstays of clinical practice. And now we need them. Learn about valeriana and its commonly used salts so you can use them in your practice.
This session fulfills continuing education requirements for AANP and ACHENA

Exploring the Efficacy of Homeopathic Treatments for Eczema
Prerecorded Presentation
Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by itchy, red, and inflamed patches of skin that can cause significant discomfort and distress. While conventional medical treatments are available, some individuals seek alternative therapies such as homeopathy for managing their eczema symptoms. This research proposal aims to investigate the efficacy of homeopathic treatments in alleviating eczema symptoms and improving the quality of life for individuals living with eczema.

Female Disorders: A Classical Homeopathic Approach to Cure
Prerecorded Presentation
All hormonal conditions have become very common worldwide, and the problem occurs especially in the reproductive age group of females. In my practice, I have seen reversals of the pathology, and people diagnosed with conditions like PCOD, endometriosis become free from their disease and able to give birth to healthy children. Such a result is obtained by strict adherence to classical homoeopathy philosophy and individualization. A healthy woman leads to a healthy society, with many hormonal issues comes the bigger problem of our society - infertility, and homeopathy is the future of our next generation. While being holistic, are also scientific in our approach, tests and imaging techniques also reassure our patients to understand that we homoeopaths have better and gentle methods to restore their health.

Practical Application of Homeopathic Sarcode and Nosode Therapy for Autoimmune Disorders and Organ Dysfunction
Prerecorded Presentation
Prerecorded Presentation
The Center for Drug Evaluation and Research approves an average of 50 new medications annually, while thousands of others are in the pipeline for approval, including 560 new medications for pediatric conditions alone. Each of these medications has an LD50 with numerous toxic side effects. Research shows through in vivo and double-blind placebo studies that not only can homeopathy, support the management of illness, but with the use of sarcodes and nosodes we can provide a cost effective, nontoxic, option without any contraindication, side effects, or age restrictions to the patients with serious conditions of organ dysfunction like diabetes or infections such as hepatitis HIV, EBV and candida. Both historical and recent studies with quantitative, measurable results for both sarcode and nosode applications will be presented. New images and videos collected with the use of an electronic microscope showing live cell activity and response to the application of sarcodes will be shared.

Autism and Psychiatric Cases: Introducing the 4C Method
Prerecorded Presentation
Autism and most of the psychiatric disorders are epigenetic and multi-layered hence customized approach is required for treatment as per the underlying cause and dominant miasm. In this session, Dr. Chandak will talk about:
1. The favoring factors including vaccination (clinical video cases.)
2. Why male is prone?
3. Why the other child in family is highly intellectual?
4. The causes of epilepsy
5. During pregnancy, child not only stay in mother’s womb but also in her emotions.’( treated with 4C method)
6. The newly discovered clinical symptoms of autism
7. 4C approach in positive cases - (A) Cleansing (B) Constitutional (C) Complimentary & (D) Clinical
Homeopathic prescription must include the reflection of mother’s pregnancy state on the child’s current state, collaborated with dominant miasm by using 4C method is the key to success.

Homeopathy for Strep: A 21st Century Approach in the Age of Antibiotics
Prerecorded Presentation
It is becoming more well known that the degree of dysbiosis in the human microbiome correlates with the severity of various diseases including metabolic dysfunction, obesity, malnutrition, diabetes, and chronic inflammatory diseases like ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. The overuse of antibiotics for common illnesses has been recognized as a contributor to this dysbiosis and unnecessary use of antibiotics has been identified as a long-term problem in medicine. Homeopaths have long used remedies to address diseases like strep throat, ear infections, UTIs, and more without the need for antibiotics. This lecture will look at how to rethink the purpose of the symptoms and help interpret the reason for a streptococcus infection to find the similimum and support the microbiome towards heath.